50% Local food club

Meeting Nova Scotia Food Producers Halfway – Est. September 2014

Wanted: Volunteer Regional Coordinators

50% Local Food Club Logo-rbg-smallWe are looking for Food-Loving Volunteers to act as Regional Coordinators for the 50% Local Food Club – September 2015

We, the organizing team of the 2015 September 50% Local Food Club, are on the look out for food-loving, community-minded agricultural enthusiasts to be volunteer Regional Coordinators in all corners of Nova Scotia. As a Regional Coordinator, you would be the on-the-ground facilitator and connector of the 50% Local Food Club, a province-wide project that invites Nova Scotians to eat local for the month of September (and beyond!). If you are passionate about local food and want to engage your community members in the local food movement – we definitely want you to join the team!

A bit of about the 50% Local Food Club: This is a month-long initiative designed to increase consumption and purchasing of local foods in Nova Scotia. We want to support and celebrate our food producers and farmers, strengthening the local food movement in our province. We will provide participants with plenty of resources, relationships, support and inspiration to go 50% local for the month of September. On the ground get togethers and meet-ups is where you come in as a Regional Coordinator!

Your role: To serve, support and engage participants all across Nova Scotia, we are building a network of volunteer Regional Coordinators. The mission for each Regional Coordinator is to organize at least one local food event during the month of September and to communicate and promote these events to participants in your region. So what kind of event you ask? Well, here are a few ideas: a meet-up at a local-loving restaurant or café  (each person attending purchases their own food of course but you would get the word out to participants in your region), meeting at your local farmers’ market for a tour (contact your local market for help on this one if you’d like!), arrange for a restaurant or community organization to offer a cooking class, or host a potluck in the park. The ideas are endless!

Leading up to the September 1st kickoff and during the month of September, Regional Coordinators will communicate with the Organizing Team and one another via our Facebook Group (and other means should you not be a Facebook subscriber). During the month of September, each Regional Coordinator will be available to participants within their region to answer questions and provide support. Each Regional Coordinator can decide how they would like to communicate with their region – our recommendation is that we all do so primarily through a province-wide Facebook Group (search: 50% Local September Club)

If you are as excited as we are, please contact:

Aldara MacKay
Strategic Projects Coordinator, Farmers’ Markets of Nova Scotia
& 50% Local Food Club Coordinator

Keltie Butler
Executive Director, Farmers’ Markets of Nova Scotia
& Member of the 50% Local Food Club Organizing Team

Farmers' Markets of Nova Scotia

Farmers’ Markets of Nova Scotia

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